THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsFifth Sunday After The Epiphany6 February 2022 |
The SundaySermon
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Dear Friend,
When men were asleep, an enemy came and oversowed evil seed in the field of God's Kingdom. The Kingdom of God here on earth is the Catholic Church. When men in the Church (Kingdom) began to feel secure and confident, they fell asleep, and the enemy (the devils) came and sowed heresies and schisms in the Field of the Kingdom the Catholic Church. From the beginning of the Church, we have found these evil noxious weeds sprouting up. The Church points them out, warns the faithful of them, and patiently prays for the conversion of those infected with these diseases.
In her dogmas (teachings), She condemns the evils and does Her best to protect Her children from the effects of these evils. The false doctrines (heresies) are condemned and rooted out by correct definitions and decrees, but the Church instructs, admonishes, and prays for misguided infected souls. She loudly condemns the killing of heretics and schismatics as She hopes to bring about their conversions.
Jesus did not condemn the adulteresses, but rather, He forgave them and set them upon the path of virtue and salvation. He did not turn away the tax collector but instead called upon him to become an apostle. The raging evil, Saul of Tarsus, was not taken out; instead, Jesus transformed him into the great St. Paul. God does not desire to destroy evil as soon as it rears its ugly head. If that were His plan, the world would have ended long ago. God desires our conversion and salvation, not our destruction and damnation. We should strive to see this plan of God in all those around us especially those who appear to be the most evil or the least capable of ever being saved. We should frequently remember that God can do great things with those who are hot or cold those who hate Him as well as those who love Him. It is only the lukewarm, indifferent that He is unable to advance in virtue.
As time progresses and the time of the supernatural Harvest draws near, we see the evil seeds (heresies and schisms) have developed and are smothering the good seed (true doctrines and worship) of the remnant Church and faithful. The members of the True Church feel overwhelmed and alone, and the temptation is to abandon Jesus and become one with the misguided multitude around us. This is the polar opposite of the Will of God. He desires that we instruct and admonish those in error to the best of our ability, but most of all, to pray for their conversion. The more souls brought into the Kingdom increases the honor and glory given to God.
The Church (the Kingdom of God) is in this material world, but it is not of this world. We must not associate physical things (property and real estate) with the Kingdom. The Kingdom of Heaven, the Catholic Church, is the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ. People are the treasures of this Kingdom, not gold, silver, or stones. What makes people members of this Kingdom? It is by entering into the Will of God Jesus Christ. Those who believe all that Jesus Christ teaches us through the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church loving Him and entering in and conforming themselves to His Holy Will, make up the Kingdom of God here on earth.
We must cling to all the teachings (doctrines, dogmas) of Jesus Christ taught us in the True Church, as well as the true unambiguous worship of Him in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. In doing so, we reject and weed out the errors and false doctrines presented by the devils and their human (heretical) instruments. However, in condemning the errors and dubious worship these promote, we must wait patiently until the end for God to come and judge the souls of these humans as well as ourselves.
We must condemn the evils and all that is wrong, yet we must seek to save those infected with them. While there is breath, there is hope. The devils would have us doubt ourselves, the True Church's doctrine, and the worship of God in the unbloody Sacrifice of the Mass. They would convert the good seed into weeds. However, this is the polar opposite of the Will of God. We must work and pray without ceasing to convert the bad seed into good seed. We must instruct and admonish where and when we are able, but most of all, we should sacrifice and pray as Jesus did for their eventual conversion and salvation. The remnant is not to be overcome by the majority, but rather the remnant is to seek to bear the burden of working and praying to bring the majority into the true Kingdom of Jesus Christ the One, Holy Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
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